Monday, May 13, 2013 0 comments

The Happenings of the Dull Mortal Realms (Non-magical version)

It has been quite a long time! A month and a day! A few things that have happened:

New And Improved Talented: A Percabeth Fanfiction
***Second Chapter will be Replaced
A New Fictionpress Story: Ink and Paper
***Second Chapter will be uploaded within a few days

And that's only the outside world! In the inside world of my life, it has been quite horrendous. Apparently I am using so much bigger words now.

Harvard! Harvard! Harvard!

Life is getting really complicated right now, so updates will be very long, but very few within a time frame of 5 months. I used to updated about, say, 6-8 times in 5 months, but now, with all of these intrusions (not all of them unpleasant. I see a future boyfriend possibility coming up!) I will be updating about 1-3 times every 5 months. But, don't get worried! I'll get it done and stuff!

So I'm just here to tell you that I'm still alive and breathing!

I'll pop back in later

Ta-Ta My Loves!

Audrey W.
Friday, April 12, 2013 0 comments

Eve and Adam by Michael Grant

First thing that went through my head when I finished this book: what?

This is a book about a girl creating a boy with extreme advanced technology. So advanced that the 'perfect boy' that Eve (the girl) creates becomes real. Like living-flesh real.

Rating? 2.5 stars.

5/6 of the books is about creating Adam. Actually, 5/6 of the book was written without Adam (the perfect boy). 1/6 of the book actually has Adam. Last 40 pages. No chemistry between perfect boy and main character. Last 40 pages. Growing chemistry between other people.

What. The. Fuck.

I'll give him one star for creative plot. The whole scientist thing, and the new creations. One star.

Another star for creating my favorite character in the whole book who is not the main character.

And half a star for the action. Which was border-line action, border-line thrown in there so there is action.

I don't know whether to label this as 'Twilight-bad' or 'Better than Twilight' or 'Worth my time, but not worth another read'. It was fun reading it, but after, you kind of realize all of the faults of this story, which is a lot, once you realize it. It's sort of like Twilight, but better. You kind of enjoyed reading it, but once you close the book you have to go 'vampires sparkle? Bella's attitude? stalker Edward?'.

I would read it. You might like it, but just be aware that once you finish it and review everything in you head you realize how faulty it is.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 0 comments

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

I'd let to get one thing across the table right now: Just because I like Cassandra Clare's work doesn't mean I like her as a person. 

I love her works. Man, those are good stories, but that whole thing about cyberbullying others? Not cool. I can read her stuff, I can like her stuff, doesn't mean I like her. It's like Taylor Swift. I'm this total Swiftie fan (and I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong), but her date-and-dump thing going on doesn't agree with me.

Just getting that across the board.

This reveiw has spoilers from the last two books.

Things you might want to get when reading this book:

  • ice cream
  • tissues
  • warm blanket

But Oh by the Angel, this was a shmurgaberg shadow-tastic book. There will be tears. There will be sobs, and there will be extreme shock. If you have been scrolling through tumblr, or heard some sort of rumor, it's just coming from those who have already read them book and is right. But for those who have been hoping for it, no, Jem and Will do not have a heated make-out session. But the rest I've heard have been correct.

But the love thing kind of confuses me. I feel like Tessa agreed to the engagement with Will was because she felt like she would've felt guilty saying no. Not that she actually loved him. Which was weird, but it kind of goes the same thing with Will and Tessa. All I know is they have stuff in common, Will is a hot guy and boom- a bit of chemistry. What? I just don't understand. This is like Piper and Jason from Riordan's The Heroes of Olympus. Actually, for that one, I haven't even figured out what they have in common, and why they like each other.

I was still confused at some parts, but the writing was good. Though she did take quite a lot of pages just to write one fight scene which I though was kind of cool. It was like the second book to Fallen, a whole book just about like 15 days. Woah. A hectic life there. The fight scenes were detailed, but not so much that they were overly-gory, and the romance there was hot and heated. Definite plus.

I liked the details of Tessa's London, and the Epilouge was heart-wrenchingly....breaking. Yea. That. I just sobbed though the whole thing. So just get ready for a sob-fest. It was sad that this whole series ended and I am extremely close to these characters (if not closer than those in TMI). So it was quite sad for me.

I hope you will/had enjoy(ed) this book!

Freaky Fear of Hospitals

So I just went to the hospital today and I'd like to tell you one thing:

I hate shots.

Lets just get it out there becuase that's the truth, black and white right smackadoodle-doo right there on your computer/tablet/phone/ipod screen. It it true.

And guess what happened when my doctor went 'Hey Audrey, I think you need a shot today!'

Yea. I almost fainted. Well a smacking hour later, me on the table and warily handing my arm to the nurse. And I closed my eyes and turned around.


Boo-ya, tears and drama, and delirious laughter and I felt like my arm was dying.

Mmm..'kay. Yea. I just feel... weak right now.

More on colorguard later.
Thursday, April 4, 2013 0 comments

The Taking Down of my Fics

My fanfiction has been taken down
Becuase I wanted to. Just kidding, becuase they needed to be finnished and edited
They have already been taken down, but they will be reuploaded when either they are edited, or finnished
My account:

Friday, March 22, 2013 0 comments


Little fun fact about me:
I'm in colorguard
I'm part of the yearbook staff.

In the yearbook, first, you need to go through yearbook training, then you get to chose your job. There are three jobs, the Copy Writer, the Photographer, and the Layout builder. The copy writer makes that huge, long paragraph that you see on practically every page. The photographer took all of the photos. And the layout builder decides where the paragraph (a.k.a copy) and photos go.

I am the copy writer.

One of the hardest jobs there is. Most people don't choose it because you need to contact the outside more social world more. And therefore, more chance to slip up and utterly embarrass yourself in front of the wholes student body. Not good. A lot of people chose photographer, because you get to show that your part of the yearbook team (and get promoted in the social heir achy), and you don't have as much contact with the more social world. Layout builders stay in the room 24/7 and use their fancy shmancy computers.

We are separated into teams.

Each team consists of three people; one copy writer, one photographer, and one layout builder. Those three people work in perfect harmony such horrible harmony that they start calling each other names. The three people work on one spread, which is two pages in a book that face each other. You can also be in two teams, which means that you work on two spreads, and you need to do twice the work of one. You can also be in as many teams as you want.

We have deadline nights.

Which means that we stay at school until one in the morning working on yearbook to get they too the printing plant. If we don't make the deadline, then the school has to pay fees (which isn't good).

My layout builder sucks.

I am in two teams. One of them is golf spread (all about golf), and the other one is the band spread (all about band). Now my layout builder for golf sucks. Like sucks. Like sucks. Usually, my layout builder gets my headline box (and box where you headline in) all perfect and all I need to do is type n my title. BUT NO. He doesn't even know how to do it.


So this is what I do: I yell at him to get off the computer, while I fiqure everything out. AND IT TAKES ME A WHOLE FREAKING PERIOD. Like. Seriously. I got pissed so I fixed his math spread, a spread that I'm not even working on. AND EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE CRAP AND SHIT    very bad stuff.

My rant. Okay. My photographer is a mean to me. (and I accidentally said that in front of the teacher... oops, except for using a much more worse term).

So tired: Need food: Let me sleep: Let me write: Let me read a book.

I'll talk about colorguard later.
Friday, March 1, 2013 0 comments

Starcrossed, Josephine Angelini

I have just finished this book. I loved it.

Maybe love was too strong of a word, but I did really like it. It sort of this Percy Jackson thing which everyone knows that I love and I was instantly obsessed with it. Three days is not enough.

It does this whole play with demigods, and what happens when say, a demigod of Demeter crosses with a demigod of Hecate. What happens, their powers, all that wonderful pizazz that I'm totally obsessed with.

It's actually something like Half-Blood by Armentrout (I tend to call all Authors by their last name), but without the whole Covenant Society thing (but in Starcrossed, they do have their own weird society).

I cannot believe that I'm comparing this book with another book most of you probably have not read. So I will stop.

There is a lot of reference to the past, which I just am in love with (because everyone needs a good dose of History lesson every other time).

The Fates/Furies have a ton of things to deal with this book. Like, I'm not even kidding. I mean, I totally can stand the Furies, but in my mind they are these little ugly beasts trying to break everybody's perfect ship.

Like. What. The. Effing. Gods. Just stop. Do you not see our hearts breaking tragically? You are trying to ruin their epically-perfect-to-the-dot RELATIONSHIP.



Stupid Furies.

But there's not a lot of sadness in this book. Just a ton of confusion and question marks. Which isn't necessarily bad, because I think there is a sequel. I think.

I hate these books (this category includes Percy Jackson, and The Mortal Instruments), because you just love them so much and at the end they freaking RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND SHOVE IT ON THE FLOOR AND STOMP ON IT AND DESTORY IT (I mean, not as much as Cassie Clare does, the way she does it it's like freaking heart abuse).


It's a lovely book. Greekish. Demigodish. Perfect.

Except for the Furies.

Stupid Furies ruin everything. They are like why Bad Relationship Statuses exist. Which is really sad because they like ruin OTPs and major Ships.

But still read it. :)